Saturday 6 May 2017

Term 2, Week 2

Room 4 Newsletter:  Term 2, Week 2

Sunday 7th May, 2017

This week we begin the Sacramental Programme for 2017 in our Parish. If you would like your child to undertake this programme, please register their name and details with Father Pat McGettigan.
Term 2:  Sacrament of Reconciliation
Term 3:  Sacrament of Confirmation
Term 4: Sacrament of First Holy Communion

These sacramental celebrations are an important part of our children’s faith journey, and can be undertaken from Year 4 onwards. This Thursday, 11th May, there will be a Parent Meeting at Father Pat’s place at 7pm. Your child is required to attend this meeting with you. This will be followed by four liturgy sessions which take place within the 9 am Mass each Sunday. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is scheduled for Tuesday 27th June at 6 pm. Please do not hesitate to ask Father Pat or myself any questions if you need more information.

Important dates coming up:
· Monday 8th May: Monday Whole School Prayer, 9 am in the Church. Please join us.
· Swimming: Tuesday 9th May & Thursday 11th May. Come prepared with all your gear. On Tuesday we will leave for the pool at 12.15 pm, and on Thursday we will leave for the pool at 1.15 pm. Well done for such good organisation last week!
· Wednesday 10th May: Parish/School Mass in the Church at 9 am, led by Room 4.
· Thursday evening at 7pm: Parent meeting for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, at Father Pats.

Room 4 Writing:
We have begun various projects in Room 4 this term to develop our Writing and Keyboarding skills.
1.           The first is Narrative writing. The children made an excellent start on their stories last week after some initial brainstorming and sharing of ideas. When these have been completed and edited, some writing will come home for publishing by email, like we did with the holiday stories at the beginning of the year. I would appreciate if you could support your child to key-in as much of their own stories as possible. Keyboarding is an excellent skill to build confidence in the presentation and publishing of their work.
2.          Information Reports: We have also begun reading and researching a Pacific nation (in groups) using books, COEC resources, maps, and the internet. There are two parts to this Report  project – one is the ICT component with lots of opportunities to research and google their topic and pictures, with the information being presented as a poster. The other is the written version of the report, which will encourage sorting of ideas into paragraphs, using their own technical and topic-related vocabulary, and editing their writing in their books.
Both of these writing projects have cross-curriculum links to Reading, R.E., Science, ICT, and Social Science because of their focus on the effects of Climate Change, developing an awareness of other places and cultures, and presenting information in both print and digital media.

Have a great week everybody.  Regards, Markelle Ward J

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Week 10, Term 2

Wow, we are at the end of the Term! I have loved teaching the children in Room 4 for the last two terms and I look forward to my last week...