Saturday 12 December 2015

Term 4, Week 10

Room 4 Newsletter:  Term 4, Week 10

Monday 14th – 17th December, 2015

Welcome to the last week of term and the last week of the school year. A big thank you to Mrs Lyon for working so hard in Room 4 during my absence. Everything ticked over very nicely. Many thanks also for all the prayers and support during my Dad’s illness. Sadly, Dad passed away on Thursday 3rd December. I will be forever grateful for the precious weeks I spent with him and I will miss him dearly.

Upcoming dates:
*Tuesday 15th December: Graduation Mass 6 pm.
*Wednesday 16th December: Prize-giving Assembly 1 pm.
*Thursday 17th December: Last day of term, school finishes at 1.30 pm.
*Wednesday 3rd February 2016 – first day of school for students.

Swimming togs for Tuesday afternoon:
Please bring your togs for a run under the sprinklers on Tuesday afternoon if it is hot.

By now everyone in Year 4 should have received their end-of-year reports. All Year 3’s should also have received a second report for the year in line with their birthdays.

Book return:
Please have a good look for any school journals, texts or resources that may have got caught up in the bookshelves at home. These need to be returned to school so they can be put in their correct places.

Children need to double-check their belongings and start getting things home as early as possible this week. All books will come home on the last day. Please bring a suitable bag.

For Year 3’s, any unfinished books can be brought back after the holidays and used for their Year 4 work. Red dictionaries and spelling notebooks can also be used again in Room 4 next year.

Farewell to the Year 4’s:
It is with sadness that I farewell the Year 4’s at the end of this week. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to teach your child, and I wish them all the best for their future classes. I will be watching their progress with interest and fond memories!
As for the Year 3’s, I will see them next year.

Regards, Markelle Ward J

Week 10, Term 2

Wow, we are at the end of the Term! I have loved teaching the children in Room 4 for the last two terms and I look forward to my last week...