Saturday 12 August 2017

Term 3, Week 4

Room 4 Newsletter:  Term 3, Week 4

Sunday 13th August, 2017

Thank you to all those who attended and participated in our Whole School Mass this morning. In the midst of our busy lives it is important and special to meet together with our Parish community and celebrate our faith journey. We pray especially for all those in our school and community who are mourning the loss of loved ones.

 Important Dates coming up:
*Gymnastics – each Tuesday at 2.15 pm for Room 4. Sports uniform may be worn on these days.
*Cross Country – this Wednesday afternoon. Please come prepared with sports uniform and a good lunch and water bottle.
*Wednesday: Parish Mass in the Church at 9 am.
*Friday: Assembly at 2.10 pm.
*Year 5 Ski Camp: Monday 21st – Wed 23rd August. Another hard copy of the Clothing and Equipment List went home with the Year 5’s on Friday so please make sure packing and planning is well under way. There is a meeting of all Year 5 & 6 students in Room 5 tomorrow (Monday afternoon 2 pm) during class-time to check on the jackets, gloves and ski-pants that children are planning to wear. This is to ensure that gear is fully water-proof which is essential given the changeable and extreme weather conditions.
*Thursday August 31st: Year 3 & 4 Ski Day to the Snow Farm.

Thank you for the stories which have been coming in steadily all week. We are now going to share these in our writing groups. This will give the children an opportunity to give and receive feedback on their story, and edit it if they choose.

Maths Buddy:
We are fortunate to have a renewed subscription to Maths Buddy for all students. I have included a Parent Information sheet about this in the children’s homework clear-files, as well as their student log-in. Please take advantage of this opportunity by encouraging your child to use the Maths Buddy tasks at home to support their learning.

Your child's Maths Buddy Log-in will be shown on the hard-copy of our class newsletter in their homework clear-files. 

Ski Camp/Ski Day:
The Ski trips are coming round very fast. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any special information you would like us to know regarding the health and wellbeing of your child.

Regards, Markelle Ward

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Week 10, Term 2

Wow, we are at the end of the Term! I have loved teaching the children in Room 4 for the last two terms and I look forward to my last week...